Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting Back to my Roots


Me with Paul, and Ann

Me with Ryan, and jello eggs 

All dolled up!

Me and carolyn in colrado
             Yes I have always been adorable! I thought that maybe you would like to see some old pictures (getting back to my roots) so here's some highlights! The first picture I am 0, second I am probably about 1 or 2, third 4 fouth 5 or 6
            so today I did some baking for the wednesday night dinner. Midnight mint bars be there! I will put pictures up tommrow! Otherwise today has been pretty chill. I've sadly done pretty much nothing.
           This morning I found out almost all my recipes call for self rising flour! We certainly don't have any! So I had to go searching for a recipe that we had all the ingrediants for and on top of that we barely had any butter!!!!! Well got to go. Write again soon!