Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sick and Happy

                       So I am aware that I've not blogged in forever but I've been very busy and very sick! On Monday we, as in Alan, Stephanie, Carolyn, Beth, and I went to H and M to shop at about Four O' clock, after shopping for a little bit we all found something we liked, and Stephanie insisted on buying them for us! Then we went to a place near H and M on the Plaza called Spin ( A super yummy pizza place ) I got the Pesto and Chicken pizza yummmm!!! then we went back to Alan and Stephanie's for a little bit then walked to Foo's Fabulous Frozen Custard, I got the Whut, Whut ( a peanut buttery kind of thing ). Then we went back to Alan and Steph's Alan went to get midnight in Paris we watched it and went to bed. In the morning we, as in Stephanie, Carolyn, and I looked through cooks illustrated while drinking coffee!! Then took Chloe for a walk, and went to You say Tomatoe then came home. for the rest of the week I've been sick! Well got to go.

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